Over the last decade, anything you can think of — toothbrushestelevisionscarsrefrigerators and even beds — has been connected to the internet. Within the next 10 years, facial recognition companies hope to do the same with their technology. CES 2020, where many of these companies showed their wares, was a glimpse into what the future of surveillance could look like. The annual tech conference was a prime spot to help make the biometric service mainstream.

Just as connecting a television to the internet was a fairly new concept in 2011, a world filled with facial recognition is essentially uncharted territory now. That might change fast. By 2019, analysts found that you couldn’t buy a new TV without an internet connection. Facial recognition companies want that sort of acceptance for their technology.

That means inserting FR, as the technology is called in shorthand, into every part of your life. You’ll experience it at the shopping mall, at school and in your own home.

read more at https://mitechnews.com/guest-columns/facial-recognition-creeps-into-everything-at-ces-2020/